End-of-Year Giving Guide for West Valley Nonprofits


Nonprofits make the world go round! They support people in need, solve problems, foster empowerment, and they make an impact. Nonprofits need your support now more than ever. As the year comes to a close, consider making a charitable, tax-deductible donation to any of the following local organizations that each work to make our community a better place.

Los Gatos Public Media — Operator of KCAT TV
KCAT TV is Los Gatos' is the town's public access television and radio station. KCAT is home to programs for people of all ages, including The Producers Network, a pilot pilot program that engages volunteers 55+ who are post-career, into retirement and beyond to run its growing local public TV & Radio station. Visit kcat.org to donate.

Counseling and Support Services for Youth (CASSY)
CASSY is the local mental health provider for Bay Area schools. Their mission is to de-stigmatize mental health services and make supporting students’ social and emotional well-being the norm in our local schools. Visit cassybayarea.org to donate.

Saratoga Area Senior Coordinating Council (SASCC)
The Saratoga Area Senior Coordinating Council (SASCC) provides physical, creative, and social programming through the Saratoga Senior Center, caregiving and nutrition services through the Saratoga Adult Care Center, transportation through the RYDE Senior Transportation Program, and print news and resources through The Outlook monthly newspaper. SASCC's vision is to ensure all communities are Age-Friendly, meaning people of all ages have the resources they need to thrive. To donate, visit sascc.org/donate.

Live Oak Senior Nutrition Center
Located in the Los Gatos United Methodist Church, the Live Oak Senior Nutrition and Service Center provides hot lunches, fellowship, referral and support services in a social setting to adults over the age of 60. Visit lgumc.org/live-oak-senior-nutrition-center to donate.

Hakone Gardens
One of the National Trust for Historic Preservation’s premier sites and 100 years old, Hakone is one of the old Japanese estate, retreat and gardens in the Western Hemisphere. Hakone has also been on the National Register of Historic Places since 2013. Donations support our operation and garden improvements. Visit hakone.com to donate.

Los Gatos Veterans Memorial Foundation
The Los Gatos Veterans Memorial Foundation built and maintains the tribute to past, present and future U.S. military members, veterans, first responders, and 9/11 heroes located in Los Gatos. Their mission is to deliver honor, respect, gratitude, and healing to America's heroes and their families, educate the community, and provide humanitarian support. Visit honoravet.org to donate.

New Museum of Los Gatos & Montalvo Arts Center
Two of our region's most impactful art organizations, NUMU Los Gatos and Montalvo Arts Center in Saratoga each offer a plethora of engaging events, activities, and initiatives to foster creativity and innovation in our community. Visit numulosgatos.org and montalvoarts.org to donate.

Brandy Maddox